Three Page Path Challenge - third iteration

tirsdag den 20. august 2024

This is the fourth article in a series about a man with a three-page path challenge, an interview question that can come up for programmers.

Make sure to read the problem scope in the first article in this series.

Also read about the first iteration and the second iteration.

In this article, I believe I have refined myself into a solution I am satisfied with, and I have shown to myself how I have gone back and forth in my iterations for refining my mind and solution for how I can answer all the challenge questions. Can I consider the code finished? No! I believe this code can be optimized and nurtured even further, but the point has also been to positively iterate into a more quality solution, centered around code readability, maintainability, tests, and composition.

Before writing this article I came to think about a few different quotes on data and code.

Linus Torvalds once said "Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships."

Fred Brooks says something a little less provocative in his Mythical Man-Month:

Show me your flowchart and conceal your tables, and I shall continue to be mystified. Show me your tables, and I won't usually need your flowchart; it'll be obvious.

What I am getting at is an internal thought about if I could have either made a data structure from my initial data (LogEntry) or used different data structures for solving this challenge.

I have to pretend that it is needed, the optimization, otherwise it would be an optimization I hardly could justify. But when I run this third iteration on a million log entries and ask for the answer for the first question "What is the most common three-page pattern for all users?" it takes 13 seconds.

Jon Skeet said something along the lines, in his C# in Depth, "often performance optimizations hurt code readability." In the case of this iteration, a call to All on an IEnumerable takes around 10 seconds, and I could have left it out, but didn't.

That challenge, specifically, is "how do you determine if a property on an entry in a collection has the same value as all other entries in the same collection." There is a logical answer to this, but it exists only because I already have an ordered collection. I can take the first and the last entry, check the value on both. I have not changed the call to All, you can try to do that. And it won't really hurt readability.

In the end of the second iteration, I concluded I was going into a corner and the composition was getting skewed. For many years I have been very aware of when I can actually program and when I need to leave it alone. Some days I am simply too tired to do actual quality work and if I do, I know I have to come back and change it. So I have to step back, relax, read, and focus on something else. You can get invested in something where you try to outsmart yourself. I think some of that happened in the second iteration. In the first iteration, I had also just returned from a 7-week vacation where I had not touched a keyboard or a codebase. These things can play with you. Be aware of that context.

Another note is while the number of iterations go up so does the value of my output. I have used a lot less energy in this iteration and that might be because it has been close to the second iteration but just as much because I have made a note of what was to happen. I knew what was wrong. I could go back and change that. In the first iteration coming into the second iteration I still had to thing about a lot more.

In this iteration, I ended up with refactoring the type PathPatternsAnalyzer where one cannot cheat with the partitioning sizes, because the constructor parameter no longer is an IOrderedEnumerable<PathPattern>. Now the full type looks like this.

public class PathPatternsAnalyzer
    private readonly IEnumerable<LogEntry> logEntries;
    private readonly int partitionSize;

    private IOrderedEnumerable<PathPattern> orderedPathPatterns = Enumerable.Empty<PathPattern>().OrderBy(p => 0);
    private IEnumerable<UserPathPartition> userPathPartitions = new List<UserPathPartition>();

    public PathPatternsAnalyzer(IEnumerable<LogEntry> logEntries, int partitionSize)
        this.partitionSize = partitionSize;
        this.logEntries = logEntries ?? [];

        if (this.partitionSize == 0)
            throw new ArgumentException($"{partitionSize} cannot be zero");

        if (partitionSize > this.logEntries.Count())
            throw new ArgumentException($"{partitionSize} is larger than the total " +
                $"entries in {logEntries} - {this.logEntries.Count()}");


    public PathPattern MostCommonPathPattern()
        // no common paths, extremely slow!
        if (orderedPathPatterns.All(p => p.OccurrenceCount == orderedPathPatterns.First().OccurrenceCount))
            return new PathPattern(0, new List<UserPathPartition>());

        return orderedPathPatterns.First();

    public IOrderedEnumerable<PathPattern> AllPathPatterns()
        return orderedPathPatterns;

    public UserPathPartition? FastestCommonPathPattern()
        var mostCommon = MostCommonPathPattern();

        var fastest = mostCommon.PathPatterns.OrderBy(s => s.TotalLoadTime);

        return fastest.FirstOrDefault();

    public UserPathPartition SlowestPathPattern()
        var slowest = orderedPathPatterns
            .SelectMany(p => p.PathPatterns)
            .OrderByDescending(o => o.TotalLoadTime)

        return slowest;

    private void PartitionUserPaths()
        var pathPartitions = new UserPathPartitions(this.logEntries);
        userPathPartitions = pathPartitions.PartitionedByUserId(this.partitionSize);

    private void OrderPathPatterns()
        var pathPatterns = new PathPatterns(this.userPathPartitions);
        orderedPathPatterns = pathPatterns.OrderByOccurrenceDescending();

See how this type is rather small. It has small methods, it uses the types I made earlier in a simple manner and it answers questions around the data in a few lines. I like it, except for the O(n) time complexity with All in MostCommonPathPattern.

The tests for this type are quite straightforward as well, due to the separated types which of course are tested separately.

Here are the tests for the PathPatternsAnalyzer which is also the answering sheet for the questions the challenge put forward.

public class PathPatternsAnalyzerTests

    public void What_Is_The_Single_Most_Common_Page_Pattern()
        var sut = new PathPatternsAnalyzer(Log_Entries_For_4_Users(), 3);

        var actual = sut.MostCommonPathPattern();

        Assert.True(actual.PathPatterns.All(a => a.FlattenedPaths == "/home/profile/results"));

    public void What_Is_The_Frequency_Of_The_Most_Common_Pattern_For_All_Users()
        var sut = new PathPatternsAnalyzer(Log_Entries_For_4_Users(), 3);

        var actual = sut.MostCommonPathPattern();

        Assert.True(actual.OccurrenceCount == 2);

    public void How_Many_Different_Patterns_Exist()
        var sut = new PathPatternsAnalyzer(Log_Entries_For_4_Users(), 3);

        var actual = sut.AllPathPatterns();

        Assert.True(actual.Count() == 8);

    public void Fastest_Most_Common_Path_Pattern()
        var sut = new PathPatternsAnalyzer(Log_Entries_For_4_Users(), 3);

        var actual = sut.FastestCommonPathPattern();

        Assert.True(actual!.TotalLoadTime == 620);

    public void Slowest_Of_All_Path_Patterns()
        var sut = new PathPatternsAnalyzer(Log_Entries_For_4_Users(), 3);

        var actual = sut.SlowestPathPattern();

        Assert.True(actual.TotalLoadTime == 900);

    public void Constructor_Throws_Due_To_Partition_Size_Is_Larger_Than_Collection_Count()
        //Arrange Act Assert
        Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => new PathPatternsAnalyzer(Empty_Log_Entries(), 3));

    public void Constructor_Throws_Due_To_Partition_Size_Is_0()
        //Arrange Act Assert
        Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => new PathPatternsAnalyzer(Log_Entries_For_4_Users(), 0));

    public void What_Is_The_Single_Most_Common_Page_Pattern_No_Common_Paths_Exist()
        var sut = new PathPatternsAnalyzer(Log_Entries_No_Common_Paths(), 3);

        var actual = sut.MostCommonPathPattern();

        Assert.Equal(0, actual.OccurrenceCount);

    public void Fastest_Most_Common_Path_Pattern_No_Common_Paths_Exist()
        var sut = new PathPatternsAnalyzer(Log_Entries_No_Common_Paths(), 3);

        var actual = sut.FastestCommonPathPattern();


    private IEnumerable<LogEntry> Log_Entries_No_Common_Paths()
        var partitions = new List<LogEntry>
            new LogEntry(1, "/login", 300),
            new LogEntry(1, "/home", 120),
            new LogEntry(1, "/profile", 200),
            new LogEntry(1, "/results", 300),
            new LogEntry(2, "/people", 300),
            new LogEntry(2, "/hello", 120),
            new LogEntry(2, "/contact", 200),
            new LogEntry(2, "/jobs", 300),

        return partitions;

    private IEnumerable<LogEntry> Log_Entries_For_4_Users()
        var partitions = new List<LogEntry>
            new LogEntry(1, "/login", 300),
            new LogEntry(1, "/home", 120),
            new LogEntry(1, "/profile", 200),
            new LogEntry(1, "/results", 300),
            new LogEntry(2, "/home", 300),
            new LogEntry(2, "/profile", 300),
            new LogEntry(2, "/results", 300),
            new LogEntry(3, "/home", 100),
            new LogEntry(3, "/login", 250),
            new LogEntry(3, "/dashboard", 250),
            new LogEntry(3, "/settings", 400),
            new LogEntry(4, "/login", 80),
            new LogEntry(4, "/home", 200),
            new LogEntry(4, "/dashboard", 200),
            new LogEntry(4, "/setting", 200),
            new LogEntry(4, "/search", 200),
            new LogEntry(4, "/people", 200)

        return partitions;

    private IEnumerable<LogEntry> Empty_Log_Entries()
        var partitions = new List<LogEntry>();
        return partitions;

I might return to this challenge in time, perhaps sooner than later, but for now I consider it at a satisfying state.

You can find all the code for the iterations here.